Note about Failing the Google Adsense Review Twice and Finally Passing It

Last Updated: 2021/12/13 12:40:54


On 12th December 2021, I've got the mail saying I had passed the Google Adsense review after failing the review twice. I'm going to share this experiences.

# First failure

What I first sent to be reviewed is PSD2Web (opens new window) with another domain. To tell the truth, I was actually confident because it took almost one month to create this tool and I thought it is useful, but I got a mail informing the result is failure that day. PSD2Web is a web tool to create image and HTML files from uploaded PSD files , but checking the access analysis, I saw the system had not been used in the review .

What I learned from this experience is it is difficult to pass the review just with the systems or tools, because the system features itself is not reviewed so much. This is just speculation, but I think their judgement is usually based on the content sentences.

# Second failure

In second time, I sent PSD2Web (opens new window) and Image2Webp (opens new window), and I had felt a certain amount of sentences are necessary to enhance the quantity of site information so I wrote some sentences in each pages.

The result is ... failure.

# Passing after waiting for almost 2 weeks

In third time, I sent Web Ninja (opens new window) with PSD2Web (opens new window), Image2Webp (opens new window), SHINOVI (opens new window), and this blog, Ninja Press (opens new window). Finally I passed the review after waiting for almost 2 weeks, which was so long that I got worried there had been any problems then.

# How much content is necessary?

In my case, there were 3 web tools and 13 posts when I was informed the passing, but there had been only 8 posts when I applied for the review. (Actually each pages have the English version and the Japanese version.) I had found websites which said that some people had failed the review on websites with hundreds of pages, so I was so worried, but it seems that you don't necessarily have to prepare so many pages .

The pages I prepared before or while the application is the following:

# Do Bad Translations affect the results?

I think English posts in this site are often awkward and there may be some posts hard to understand, so I was worried my translations would affect the result of the review. But actullay I passed it. Although I can't say for sure, I suppose poor translations don't affect so much at lease if most of your sentenses are understandable, and I also feel content quality and quantity are more important.

However, I would like to inform you of one thing that may be related. It is that usually I don't use automatic translation systems. The reason why I don't use it although I'm not so good at English is that I think sentences translated automatically may be judged as copy content or worthless content. Usually browsers have the function of automatic translation, so simply if your website don't have a translated pages, users can translate your pages automatically by themselves. I'm not sure, but only automatically translated pages might be deemed unnecessary.

Anyway, if your website has translated pages, I suppose you don't need to be so serious even if you are not confident in your language translations. I guess they are likely to judge your own words are more worthful than automatically translated content.

Last Updated: 2021/12/13 12:40:54
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